The Standard Finder





The original and popular Standard Finder is well suited to the mobile angler who wants to feature find with accuracy and at range.


At less than 300g, the Standard Finder isn't going to weigh you down when moving from swim to swim.


Packed with features and an impressive maximum range of 400 metres, this little gem of a finder offers fantastic value for money


No more repeated casts on top of fish with a marker float, just quick and accurate feature finding.


Easy fitting - just attach the self-adhesive pads, click the sonar onto the boat, the receiver onto the mounting kit and away you go!


The finder packs include a sonar unit that attaches to any bait boat using the new eesi-klik bracket, a receiver, 2 antennae, 2 locking pads, all the batteries needed to get you started and of course, full instructions - including our suggested settings!


All 'Standard' finder purchases include a FREE receiver mounting kit.


The mounting kit puts the receiver at eye level for hands-free operation - allowing you to fully concentrate on where your bait boat is going - looking at the lake, not the ground.


The kit is screwed into a bankstick or storm pole (not included).


Why limit your knowledge to the range you can cast a marker float?


Feature finding has never been quicker or more precise and removes the hard work of all those recasts - there's also the added bonus of less disturbance to the swim... Stealthy!


The receiver has an effective backlight that makes night-time use a surprisingly easy task.


Send the bait boat out towards a horizon feature and watch the screen for the shelf or drop-off - easy!


So whether you use your bait boat fish finder for feature finding, swim mapping or pre-baiting for Carp, Pike or general specimen fishing you can do it day or night.



Unlock the secrets in your lake with Horizon Fish Finders


Price - including postage


United Kingdom - £113.99

EU Countries -  £118.99 

Outside UK or EU - £128.99


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